chocolate golden berries


This time I’m not giving you the precise instructions how to make it. It’s pure gold. It’s physalis. It’s fleur de sel. It’s chocolate. Free your imagination. Be passionate and you will find the balance that works the best for you. It’s gotta pop up in your mouth when you eat it!


Fleur de sel or salt flower is esteemed for its color, traditional production and of course flavor. Not even one is the same as the shape of crystals is largely dependent on the specific weather conditions. I’ve got mine from France, Ile de Ré to be precise. Fleur de sel works really well with sweets, like caramel, and it enhances the flavor of chocolate. And yes, there is a huge difference in flavor in comparison to ordinary industrial salt. When using it in chocolate, even if it look nice if sprinkled on top, I find the flavor better if mixed in the chocolate. It’s more smooth and the flavor itself develops gradually.



Cacao butter. Really healthy stuff. If it does good to your skin, imagine what it does to your body from the inside than! You can make your own, raw chocolate by combining it with raw unsweetened cacao and some sort of sweetener. Since I’m a diabetic, I like to cut my carbs intake, so I use stevia extract or sucralose, which is derived from corn. But agave syrup, coconut sugar or honey can be more healthy alternative. If you’re running short on time, high quality dark chocolate will do either.


And physalis berries, golden berries, with its slightly sour note balance so well the sweet and salty…


Phisalis barries with dark chocolate and fleur de sel

  • phisalis berries
  • fleur de sel
  • any sort of sweetener if needed (don’t exaggerate!)
  • dark chocolate (min 80% cocoa) or DIY: cocoa butter, 100% cacao, sweetener